Mikkelson Harbor
In the afternoon, we stopped at Mikkelson Harbor, which was an old whaling landing. There are a number of whale bones left there.
More Gentoo penguins. Here you can see the skuas attempting to go after a chick. The skuas don’t really cooperate with each other, we saw a skua land next to another one going after a chick and the first skua switched to chasing away the newly arrived skua.
The adult penguins did manage to protect the chick in the above incident, but they aren’t always successful. Here’s a skua feeding on a chick that had been killed before we got there.
We saw a white morph of the southern giant petrel soaring overhead. It made several passes and I got some good photos.
The normal southern giant petrel is brownish.
There were fur seals sleeping around the whale bones, this was the one you could get a good photo of.
We saw a Weddell seal sleeping on a rock in the harbor.