Death Valley Day 2

We started the day driving up to Dante’s View which is the highest point in the park.

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Death Valley Day 1

We will spend three more nights in Death Valley National Park before heading home.

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Joshua Tree Day 2

We spent a day and a half in Joshua Tree National Park before heading to Death Valley. Donna has visited briefly many years ago.

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Joshua Tree Day 1

We spent a day and a half in Joshua Tree National Park before heading to Death Valley. Donna has visited briefly many years ago, but Steve has never been there. It was a bit less expensive at Death Valley to delay our arrival a couple days and put Joshua Tree first.

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We had some issues getting to Venice. There had been weather delays in Newark, NJ for the past several days. The flight from Kansas City to Newark had been canceled the previous two days. We got on the plane, but after they closed the door but before the plane pushed back, the pilot announced a three hour delay due to approaching thunderstorms in Newark. We all got off and waited.

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Berlin day 1

We arrived in Berlin at the main train station at 7:20 am. We walked over to the hotel, and dropped off our luggage.

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St. Rémy day 5

The mistral was still blowing lightly. The forecast suggested that the wind was going to fade and the rain starting around 9-10 am.

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St. Rémy day 4

The mistral was blowing again, not as much as yesterday. We will be able to ride.

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St. Rémy day 3

The ride to Point du Gard is canceled due to high winds, gusting to 50 mph. To dangerous to ride across the bridge across the Rhône river with those side winds.

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St. Rémy day 2

The Mistral was blowing and will be blowing for the rest of our bike tour. Winds will be about 25 mph in the morning, 35 mph in the afternoon from the north today.

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